SP1.3: Medical Diagnosis and Imaging

In this public/private collaboration a problem-solving environment (PSE) will be developed that can handle data from various medical imaging detectors such as MEG, fMRI, CT, etc. The huge dataflow of this type of equipment, the available imaging software technology together with the multidisciplinary expertise of the Science Park Amsterdam, the two medical hospitals in Amsterdam and one of the major industrial players will provide a unique opportunity to work out innovative strategies for image based medical diagnosis and surgical planning as well as neuro-imaging applications. This e-Science domain promises to provide relevant expertise and feedback with regard to scaling up and validation. This subprogram was initially coordinated by Robert G. Belleman, and, since January 2006, by Silvia D. Olabarriaga.

Website of SP1.3


Programme leader

Dr. Silvia D. Olabarriaga, UvA
silvia *AT* science DOT uva DOT nl
tel: 020 525 7549 (UvA) or 020 566 8328 (AMC)

People working at SP1.3

Dr. Silvia Olabarriaga, UvA/IvI
Prof. dr. L.O. Hertzberger, UvA
Dr. Robert Belleman, UvA/IvI
Michael Scarpa, UvA/IvI
Ketan Maheshwari, UvA/IvI
Abdullah Zeki Ozsoy, UvA/IvI

Henk Obbink (contact: henk.obbink at philips.com)
Dr. Anca Bucur
René Koostra
Jasper van Leeuwen
Dr. Ronald van Driel

Dr. Ruud de Boer (contact: ruud.de.boer at philips.com)
Dr. Frank Hoogenraad

Prof.dr. Ard den Heeten (contact: g.j.denheeten at amc.uva.nl)
Prof.dr.ir. Kees Grimbergen contact: c.a.grimbergen at amc.uva.nl)
Dr. Charles Majoie
Dr. Erik Akkerman
Dr. Jeroen Snel
Dr. Aart Nederveen
Dr. Frans Vos
Matthan Caan
Johan Alkemade

Dr. Bob van Dijk (contact: bw.dijk at vumc.nl)
Dr. Frederik Barkhof (contact: f.barkhof at vumc.nl)
Dr. Geert de Vos
Dr. Keith Cover
Dr. Hugo Vrenken
Jasper Sluimer

Dr. Charles Botha (contact: c.p.botha at tudelft.nl)
Jorik Blaas