VL-e workshop 7 April 2006 Science Park Amsterdam

Kruislaan 413, Turingzaal, Amsterdam, from 9h00 until 18h00.

The VL-e project started two years ago. At the moment there are 4 programme lines, 15 sub programmes and around 100 people from more than 20 different organisations working at the VL-e project. The VL-e workshop is a good occasion to meet everyone who is involved with the VL-e project and to hear about the progress that has been made in the different sub programmes.

The VL-e workshop is for everyone who is working at the VL-e project and for those who are involved with the VL-e project within the different partner organisations. When you are not associated with the VL-e project but are interested to attend the VL-e workshop, please contact Mieke van den Berg, mieke.van.den.berg@wtcw.nl , telephone 020 525 7869.

Programme VL-e Workshop

9h00 – 10h00 Registration/coffee & tea
  Chair: Henk Sips, Delft University of Technology
10h00 – 10h30 ‘From the VL-e management ' by Bob Hertzberger/UvA
  VLeIT: integration
10h30– 10h50 'Integration status report ' by David Groep/NIKHEF
10h50 - 11h10 'Introduction PoC' by Maurice Bouwhuis/SARA
11h10 - 11h30 Coffee/tea
11h30 - 11h45 'Installation and use of PoC' by Jan Just Keijser/NIKHEF
11h45– 12h00 'Engineering and certification of PoC' by Dennis van Dok/NIKHEF
  Grid support systems
12h00 - 12h20 'Overview of the KOALA Grid scheduler' by Dick Epema/TUD
12h20- 12h30 'Dissemination' by Geleyn Meijer/LogicaCMG
12h30 - 13h30 Lunch
  Life-science & applications
13h30 - 13h50 'A bioinformatic Problem Solving Environment in the e-BioLab' by Timo Breit/UvA
13h50 - 14h10 'Colloborative Information Management: Advanced Information Processing in Bioinformatics' by Joost Kok/UL
14h10 - 14h30 'Development and current activities in the SP 1.3 medical subprogram'
by Silvia Olabarriaga/UvA
  Virtual lab methodologyI
14h30 - 14h50 'Visualisation' by Robert van Liere/CWI
14h50 - 15h10 'Interactive program solving environments ' by Breanndán Ó Nualláin /UvA
15h10 - 15h40 Coffee/tea
  Virtual lab Methodology II
15h40 - 16h00 'Workflow' by Adam Belloum/UvA
16h00 - 16h20 'The MAIDEN toolbox' by Pieter Adriaans/UvA
16h20– 16h50 Panel on integration (Timo Breit, moderator)
Panel members:
Pieter Adriaans, Adam Belloum, David Groep, Jeroen Snel, Geleyn Meijer
16h50 - 18h00 Reception